Aug 25th – 3,4,5 Night @ 3:00 PM Elementary Room
Aug 25th - First Touch Ministry training. D Room @ 12:00 PM Please RSVP to Jennifer Brown Message her at 480-236-0927

"Community of Hope Groups"

-Family Fellowship Meal Groups are continuing to meet. Still room for your family – Contact us

- Discipleship online group – [begins Aug 20th] Contact Rusty for information on how to join.

- Women’s study Group  [begins Aug 21st] contact 

-Young Adults Group –  Sunday @ 5:00 PM in D Building. [begins Aug 11th ] Chris Leon

- Middle School Group – Monday @ 6:30 Student Room [begins Sep 2nd]
- High School Group – Tuesday @ 6:30 Student Room [begins Sep 3rd]