As spring turns to summer, our calendar continues to fill up.  If you would like to join a group, be baptised, or just have quesitons about Community of Hope, do not hesitate to send us an email. 

Sunday New Community Group @ 3:00 PM. They will meet in person in the Student room. Contact for more information.

Sunday April 25th - Discover Community of Hope Class. This is a short class that goes into some detail about who are church is, some of what we believe, and next steps you can take to become more involved.  Lunch will be provided, we need you to register for this call @

Saturday April 30th - Ladies game night.  This will take place in the Student room on campus. Contact Andrea for more info.
Sundy May 9th - Mothers Day - bring mom to church. 
May 16th - Baptism following the 11:00 AM service. To register click here
Sunday mornings will continue with services at 9:30 & 11:00 AM both inside and outside, as well as online.
Hope you are having a great week.